Record from the Kennel Affix
When registering Affix = Kennel name, it is the act of giving a surname (suffix) or first name (prefix), to identify the Stud book in the pedigree of puppies that were generated in a kennel, so this name is the mark of the creator's work.
The name of the kennel (affix) will accompany the entire existence of the family tree and will be the way to identify the breeder and his history within the dog breed.
It is very important to choose a name that represents your personality and your work, it will be your legacy. Choose a name from our database, it takes 10 seconds for our system to check through the database and give the answer if the chosen name is available.
After checking the name and availability, follow the procedures that will be guided by the system.
Have on hand:
RG, CPF, proof of address, these data will be requested when filling out the electronic form, these documents must be uploaded by image on the system's access panel as soon as you receive the login and password, and are kept in our files. If there is no way to upload the images of the documents, the breeder will be able to register his kennel and will have a period of 30 days from the issuance to send the physical documents or by image, and upload them into the system.
Fill in the form data correctly and choose a nearest Kennel Club. Remember that all our services can be done over the internet, using email, whatsapp and phone.
After opening and approving the registration, the digital certificate is available in the system for consultation, then the printed certificate is sent by mail, the deadline for sending is given by the post office according to your region, we ask for 48 hours to post the document.
But if you prefer to go in person to one of our Kennel Clubs and have all the services performed on the spot, all this is possible thanks to our integrated database system.