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Australian Shepherd


While there are many theories as to the origin of the Australian Shepherd, the breed as we know it today was developed exclusively in the United States. The Australian Shepherd was so named because of its association with Basque Shepherds, who came to the United States from Australia in the 1800s. The Australian Shepherd's popularity grew consistently with the "popularization" of "western horseback riding" after the Second World War. World War II, which became known to the general public through rodeos, equine shows, films and television shows. His inherent versatility and personality easily adaptable to training have made him valuable to American farms and ranches. American farmers continued the breed's development, retaining its versatility, sharp intelligence, strong herding instinct, and pleasant appearance that, from the beginning, won admiration. While each individual is unique in color and markings, all Australian Shepherds have aroused unsurpassed devotion to their family members. Its numerous attributes have ensured continued popularity for the breed.

Country of Origin: USA.

GENERAL APPEARANCE L : Well balanced, slightly longer than tall, of medium size and bone, with colorations that offer variety and individuality. It is thoughtful and lively, flexible and agile, solid and muscular without being heavy. It has a coat of moderate length and a moderately coarse texture. Its tail is docked or naturally short.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  Measuring from the tip of the breastbone to the back of the thigh, and from the withers to the ground, the Australian Shepherd is slightly longer than it is tall. Solidly built, medium boned. The male's frame denotes masculinity without being rude. The bitches are female, without being light in bone.

BEHAVIOR  AND  TEMPERAMENT:  The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent working dog with a strong herding and guarding instinct. A loyal companion with the will to work all day. With a balanced disposition, he is naturally good and rarely quarrelsome. Can be a little reserved on an initial date. Any sign of shyness, fear or aggression should be severely penalized.

HEAD :  It is well defined, strong and dry. On the whole, the size should be proportionate to the body.



skull :  Flat to slightly domed. May show a slight occipital bulge. Length and width are equal.


Stop:  Moderate, well defined.



Truffle :  Blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation on the nose (and lips). Red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation on the nose (and lips). In merles, small pink spots are allowed, but they must not exceed 25% of the nose in dogs over 1 year, which is considered a serious fault.

Muzzle :
  Of equal length or slightly shorter than the skull. Viewed in profile, the upper lines of the skull and muzzle form parallel planes, divided by a moderately well-defined stop. The muzzle tapers a little at the base of the nose and is rounded at the tip.

Jaws and Teeth :  A complete set of strong, white teeth. Scissor or pincer bite.

eyes :  Colored brown, blue, amber or in any variation or combination, including stains and imitation marble. Almond shapes, not too deep, not too protruding. Blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation around the edges of the eyes. Red merles have liver (brown) pigmentation around the edges of their eyes.

Ears :  Triangular, of moderate size, set high on the head. At attention, they break forward and upward, or sideways, like an ear in pink. Erect or hanging ears are serious faults.

NECK :  Strong, of moderate length, slightly arched at the nape of the neck, fitting snugly to the shoulders.


Top Line:  Back straight and strong, level and firm from the withers to the hip joint.

Croup :  Moderately inclined.


chest :  Not wide, but deep, with the lowest part reaching the elbow.

Bottom line :  They show a moderate tuck-up.

TAIL: Straight, naturally long or naturally short. When cut (in countries where this practice is not prohibited), or naturally short, it cannot exceed 10 cm.





Shoulders :  Shoulders long, flat, reasonably close to the withers and well set back. The arm, which should be approximately the same length as the scapula, is attached to the shoulder line at approximately a right angle. The front legs descend straight and perpendicular to the ground.


Metacarpals :  Of medium length and slightly sloping. Front Ergoes can be removed.


Paws :  Oval, compact, with closed and well arched toes. Thick and elastic pads.


HINDQUARTERS :  The width of the hindquarters is the same as the forequarters, measured at the shoulders. The angulation of the pelvis and thigh corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder and arm, forming an approximately right angle.


Knees : Clearly defined

Hocks :  Short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from behind. Ergoes absent in hindquarters.


Paws :  Oval, compact, with closed and well arched toes. Thick and elastic pads.

DRIVE :  It has a smooth, free and easy movement. It exhibits great agility of movement with well-balanced strides covering the terrain well. Forelegs and hindquarters move straight and parallel to the center line of the body. By increasing speed, the legs (front and back) converge towards the dog's line of gravity, while the back remains firm and flat. The Australian Shepherd must be agile and able to change direction or change stride instantly.


  • COAT


By :  Of medium texture, straight or wavy, weather resistant and of medium length. The undercoat varies in quantity according to climate variations. The coat is short and soft on the head, ears, front of the legs, forelegs and below the hocks. The back of the hindquarters and the breeches are moderately fringed. Males have a moderate mane and more pronounced bangs than females. Untypical coat is a serious fault.




  1. Blue merle, black, red merle, red - all with or without white spots and/or brown markings, in no order of preference. The hairline of a white collar should not exceed the withers. White is accepted on the neck (either in part or as a complete collar), chest, legs, lower muzzle, headband and white extension from the lower body upwards to 10 cm, measured from a horizontal line at the elbows. White on the head should not be predominant and the eyes should be surrounded by color and pigmented. Merles characteristically darken with age.


SIZE : Males: 51  at 58  cm.

            Females: 46  at 53 cm.

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.



• Ears erect or pendulous.

• Non-typical coat.


• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Lower prognathism. Upper prognathism exceeding 0.3 cm. Loss of contact caused by short central incisors in a correct bite should not be judged as undershot. Broken or missing teeth by accident should not be penalized.

• White spots on the body in all colors, ie with white located between the withers and the tail, on the sides, between the elbows and the back of the hindquarters.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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