Boca Preta Sertanejo Dog

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A rectangular median size of Ustica no being desired The quadrature per be inappropriate to the performance in your occupation.
Historical evidence suggests that domesticated dogs existed in South America long before the arrival of Europeans.
In the book “História da Missão dos Padres Capuchinhos na Ilha do Maranhão e Terras Circunvizinhas”, published in 1614, there are reports of the existence of dogs domesticated by Indians:
“You can also find domestic dogs that are called Januare and that look like greyhounds from our land; They are, however, smaller and so trained to hunt, especially of the agutis, that, sensing them in their dens, they do not stop barking until the game is caught.”
Thanks to his intelligence and strong instinct for companionship, he became indispensable to man, following in his footsteps during the development of civilization, actively participating in the organization of his social, sporting and military life. The Cão Sertanejo Boca Preta, originally from Brazil, with distribution identified mainly in the Northeast region, but with presence in the North, Southeast and Center-West regions. It makes up a genetic, historical and cultural heritage, being an integral part of popular memory, especially of cowboys and older hunters, who keep in their memory the adventures lived alongside these animals.
Country of Origin: Brazil.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Obedient to the owner. It is an expert hunter and performs its task out of sight of its owner or driver, sometimes shy with strangers.
Weight 15.81 22 10
Length 52.30 58 46
previous height 50.47 60 44
back height 51.33 59 45
Average height 49.87 59 44
thoracic perimeter 59.40 70 53
Height from chest to floor (Substernal Void Height) 27.60 35 21
Body Height (Chest Height) 22.97 28 19
elbow height 26.13 31 22
Height of tail insertion 46.90 56 41
tail length 31.03 44 25
hamstring height 13.97 17 10
head length 23.27 29 20
skull length 15.03 18 12
chamfer length 7.90 12 3
skull width 11.03 13 10
ear length 9.08 11 7
Ear width widest part 6.50 8 5
A longilinear breed, that is, with a long body and a thin, long snout, with a maximum body index of 100.00, with the Body Length that varies from 46 to 58 cm, compared to Height at the withers, which varies from 45 to 59 cm.
The Cephalic Index indicates that the head is mesocephalic, that is, narrow and short (ICef=47.68), with a chamfer length corresponding to an average of 7.90 and skull length of 15.03 m longer than it is wide. The Relative Limb Height Index falls within the upper limit of animals adapted to long-term trotting, a characteristic of herding dogs and herders (IARM=1.21), in which the length of the limbs is equal to the height at the breast ( Brown, 1986), approaching the typical values of gallopers.
Body Length corresponds to an average of 52.30 and the posterior height (withers height), with an average of 51.33.
The Height/Length Ratio is slightly higher in males, indicating that they have a more square build – Body Length is approximately 8% greater than Height at Withers, while in CC females it is 10% greater.
The Cephalic Index is higher in males, indicating that they have a proportionally wider skull than females.
Eyes: hazelnut colored admitting the greenish color.
Ears: Pointed, mostly erect can be dropped and carried in pink.
muzzle: from black coloring up to eye level, other colors are acceptable.
Tail : With a medium insertion in the shape of a cane and the length must not exceed the top of the hocks.
COLOR: cream or bay, canindé, brindle or brindle and red, where the indices in some regions of the northeast are characterized in higher or lower incidences.
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.
• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.