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Longhair Collie

GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  It presents itself as a dog of great beauty, behaving with impassive dignity, without any disproportion between the anatomical regions in relation to the whole.

PRO IMPORTANT PORTIONS :  The physical structure maintains the line of potency and activity, absence of rusticity, without any coarse trait. The expression is the most important. Considering relative values, the expression is formed by the perfect balance of the proportion between the skull and the muzzle, by the size, shape, color and insertion of the eyes and the correct positioning and bearing of the ears.

BEHAVIOR  AND  TEMPERAMENT:  Friendly, without any trace of nervousness or aggression. A great companion, friendly, cheerful and active, good with children and other dogs

HEAD :  Proportional characteristics of the head are of the utmost importance and must be considered in relation to the size of the dog. Seen from the front or in profile, the head presents a wedge-shaped figure with well-defined boundaries by a smooth contour. The skull is flat. The sides gradually and smoothly converge from the ears to the tip of the black nose, without embossing the cheeks or tapering the muzzle.



skull :  Plan.  


Stop:  Light but noticeable.


Truffle :  always black.

Muzzle :
  Soft termination; muzzle well rounded and truncated, never square. Muzzle not pointed.

Jaws and Teeth : Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite (ie the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth and are set square to the jaws). Strong, well-defined jaw.

eyes :  Very important feature, giving its sweet expression. Medium in size (never too small), gently slanted set, almond shaped and dark brown in color, except in the case of blue merle in which the eyes are often (one or both, or part of one or both ) blue or stained blue. Expression full of intelligence, with a quick and alert look when at attention.

Ears :  Small, set on top of the skull and separated by a moderate space. At rest, carried backwards, but, in alert, brought forward and carried semi-erect, that is, approximately two-thirds of the ear erect; the final third naturally falling forward, below the horizontal.

NECK :  Muscular, powerful, of good length and well arched.


Back:  Level and firm.

Loin :  With slight elevation.


chest :  Deep chest and reasonably broad behind the shoulders. Ribs well sprung.

TAIL:  Long, with the bone (last vertebra) reaching at least the hock joint. At rest, carried low, with a slight upward curve at the tip. Can be carried happily (high) when excited, but never on the back




PREVIOUS :  Straight and muscular, with moderate bone.


Shoulders :  Sloping and well angled.

Elbows :  Not turned either in or out.

Metacarpals :  Showing flexibility without signs of weakness


Paws :  Oval, with cushions (cushions) well padded. Fingers arched and tightly closed.



Knees :  Well angled.


Metatarsals :  Well descended and powerful.


Paws :  Oval, with cushions (cushions) well padded. Fingers arched and tightly closed together. Slightly less arched hind legs

DRIVE :  : It is a particular characteristic of the race. A balanced dog never expels the elbows, although it moves with the front legs relatively close together. Braiding, crossing and rolling is highly undesirable. Viewed from behind, the hindquarters, from the hock joint to the ground, are parallel but not too close; in profile, the movement is smooth. Powerful hindquarters with plenty of propulsion power. A long stride is desirable and should be light and appear almost effortless. Absolute harmony is essential.


  • COAT


By: The coat, with very dense, it reveals the dog's outline. Straight hairs, with a rough texture, with very soft, dense undercoats that are tightly closed to the point of hiding the skin. In the mane and in the belly, it is very abundant. Very short on the mask, on the snout and at the tip of the ears, but containing more hair towards the base; well-fringed forelimbs; hind limbs abundantly feathered above the hocks, being shorter below. The tail hair is profuse.




Three colors are recognized:  

  1. “Sable” (Sable): Any shade from light gold to dark mahogany or shaded “sable”. Light straw or cream colors are highly undesirable.

  2. Tricolor: Predominantly black with well-saturated brown markings on limbs and head. A rusty hue to the top coat is highly undesirable.

  3. Blue Merle: Predominantly clear, silvery blue, speckled and marbled with black. Deep brown markings are preferred, but their absence should not be penalized. Large patches of black, slate or rust hue on the top coat or undercoat are highly undesirable.


All of the above mentioned colors may have white markings typical of the Collie to a greater or lesser degree. The following markings are favorable: white collar, all or part of it; forechest, legs and paws white; white tail tip. A white mark may appear on the muzzle, skull, or both. All white or predominantly white is highly undesirable.

SIZE : Males: 56  to 61  cm.

            Females: 51  to 56  cm.

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  and on their ability to perform their traditional work.




• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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