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Dogo Argentino

GENERAL APPEARANCE : He is an athletic dog, mesomorph, of normal type and of harmonious proportions. With powerful musculature, he is agile, his external appearance gives him the feeling of power, energy and strength, contrasting with his expression of friendship and meekness. Entirely white, may have only a dark spot on the skull.

Personality:  Agile, strong and rustic.

Energy Level : Very Active.  

Good with children:  Yes.


Good with other dogs:  With supervision.


Grooming:  Seasonal.


Life Expectancy : 10-12  years old.

Bark level:  Bark when necessary.


This breed originates from the province of Cordoba, in the Mediterranean region of the Argentine Republic. Its creator was Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, an eminent and active surgeon born in Córdoba in 1907 and died in 1956. His work started from the methodical crossing of the “Old Fighting Dog of Córdoba”, an example of great power and fortitude. , a product of the crossbreeding that was then carried out between dogs of the Bulldog and Bull Terrier breeds. He chose totally white specimens for breeding, without prognathism, with a heavy head and a long snout. After an intense and thorough selection and character study over several generations, he achieved his goal by forming several families, always starting from that “Old Fighting Dog of Cordoba”, which initially crossed with the English Bulldog, Great Dane, Pyrenean Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Boxer, Pointer, Dogue de Bordeaux and Irish Wolfhound. In 1947 the breed was already created and genotypically and phenotypically stabilized; for him in the same year the breed standard is presented at the Club of Hunters of the City of Buenos Aires. Its strength, tenacity, sense of smell and courage make it unparalleled among pack dogs for hunting wild boar, peccaries, pumas and other predatory species of agriculture and livestock that inhabit the vast and heterogeneous regions of Argentine territory. This is the traditional activity for which Antonio Nores created this breed.  

Country of Origin: Argentina.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  It must be silent, never bark on the trail, with a good nose, sniffing, agile, strong, rustic and above all brave. It should never be aggressive towards human beings, a characteristic that will be severely observed. It must surrender to its owner unconditionally and without reservation.

HEAD:  Mesocephalic type, strong and powerful. Their craniofacial axes are convergent.


Skull: Massive, convex in anteroposterior and transverse directions by the reliefs of the masticatory muscles and the back of the neck.


Occipital: Its protrusion cannot be observed because the powerful muscles of the back of the neck completely hide it. Stop: Defined, should not be deep or form right angles.


FACIAL REGION: Equal in length to the cranial region, that is, this means that the line joining the two orbital processes of the frontal (bone) is equal to the distance from the occiput and the alveolar border of the upper jaw.


Nose: Strongly pigmented black, with very wide nostrils.


Muzzle: Of the same length as the skull, with a concave topline. Lips: Adhering, with free edges, pigmented in black, never pendulous.


Jaws and Teeth: They are composed of correctly placed jaws, well developed and strong, without prognathism (lower) or enognathism (upper prognathism), with healthy, large and normally implanted teeth. A complete set of teeth is recommended. The bite is scissor-like (i.e., the caudal surface of the upper incisors touches the cranial surface of the lower incisors, covering them), and is accepted as a forceps (or pincers, i.e., the upper incisors are in tip-to-tip contact with each other). the lower incisors).


Cheeks: Broad, marked, covered by strong skin, without folds. Well-developed masseters. Eyes: Medium size, almond shaped, dark or hazel, with eyelids preferably pigmented in black. Its position is subfront, well separated, with a lively and intelligent look, but with a marked hardness at the same time.


Ears: Set on the side and high, with good separation between them due to the width of the skull. Functionally, they must be cut and erect, triangular in shape and of a length that does not exceed 50% of the anterior edge of the pavilion of the natural ear. Without cutting them, they are of medium length, wide, thick, flat and rounded at the tip. Smooth coat, slightly shorter than the rest of the body, where small non-penalizable spots may appear. Carried naturally hanging down, covering the back of the cheeks. On alert, they have the ability to semi-erection.

NECK: Thick, arched, with the skin of the throat very thick, forming wrinkles, with soft folds, but without dewlap. The elasticity of neck skin is due to very slack (loose) cellular tissue.


BODY: Rectangular. The length of the body (measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the hamstring) may only exceed its height at the withers by up to 10%, no more.


Topline: Highest at the withers and sloping to the croup, gently drooping. Adult specimens have a median channel along the spine, formed by the relief of the spinal muscles. Profile view, should not look sagging.


Withers: Strong, well marked and high. Scapula: Very strong and with great muscular reliefs.


Loin: Short, broad, with great musculature.


Croup: Broad and strong, of medium slope.


Chest: Broad and deep. Viewed from the front and in profile, the sternum should be below the elbows, thus giving maximum breathing capacity. Long thorax, with moderately sprung ribs.


Underline and belly: Slightly tucked in on the underline of the chest, never tucked up; strong and with good muscle tension.


TAIL: Long, not exceeding the hocks; thick, medium set. At rest, naturally fallen; in attention or in motion, raised in an arc, with a wide upward curve.  




PREVIOUS:  straight, well erect, with short, well-knit toes.


Shoulders: Oblique scapulae, with great muscular relief, without exaggeration.


Arms: Humerus of equal length to the scapula, with good inclination.


Elbows: Strong, covered with a slightly thicker and more elastic skin, without folds or wrinkles. Naturally located against the costal wall.


Forearms: of equal length to the arms and perpendicular to the ground; with strong and straight bones, with good muscular development.


Carpal joints: long and in the same line with the forearms; free of bony reliefs and roughness.


Pastern: Slightly flat, with good bones; seen in profile, with a slight inclination, but never ceded.


Feet: With short, well-knit toes. With strong, thick and rustic plantar pads; preferably black pigmentation.


HINDQUARTERS:  muscular, with short metatarsals and well-closed toes, without ergots; of average angulation.


Thighs: proportional to the set. Strong, with important and visible muscle development. Knees: With good inclination.


Legs: Slightly shorter than thighs; strong and muscular.


Hocks: The tarsal-metatarsal joint is short, strong and firm, ensuring the propulsion force of the hind limb. Robust tarsus, with the point of the hock evident. Robust metatarsals, almost cylindrical and upright, without ergos.


Feet: Similar to the forefeet, although slightly smaller and longer, maintaining the same characteristics.


  • GAIT / MOVEMENT: Agile and firm, with noticeable changes when showing interest in something, at which time he stands upright and with quick reflexes, typical of the breed. Paused step. Wide trot, good fore suspension and powerful rear propulsion. At the gallop, he shows all his energy and develops all the power he has. Its movement is agile and safe in the step, trot or gallop. It should be harmonious and balanced, showing a solid body build. “Camel step” (displacement of the two ipsilateral limbs - on the same side - at the same time) is not accepted, which is considered a serious fault.


SKIN: homogeneous, thick, but elastic. Adhering to the body by a semi-loose, elastic subcutaneous tissue, without forming wrinkles; except in the throat region, where the subcutaneous tissue is looser. The specimens with the lips and eyelids pigmented in black are preferred. Black pigmented skin is not penalized.


  • COAT


Hair: uniform, short, smooth, with an approximate length of 1.5 cm to 2 cm. Its density and thickness vary according to the climate.


COLOR: entirely white. Only a black or dark-toned spot on the skull is allowed. The same can also be located in one of its ears or around one of the eyes. The size of the spot must keep an adequate proportion, not exceeding 10% of the size of the head. Between two dogs of equal conditions, the judge must always choose the whitest.


SIZE:   Height at the withers: Males: 60 to 68 cm. Females: 60 to 65 cm. Ideal height: Males: 64 to 65 cm. Females: 62 to 64 cm.


WEIGHT: Males: 40 to 45 kg. Females: 40 to 43 kg.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.  



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Atypical dogs.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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