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Brazilian Great Dane


Brazilian Great Dane  is  breed  in  dogs  created in  Brazil  specifically for the function of  security dog. It emerged in the late 1970s from the cross between  bull terrier  and  Boxer. Initially named as  bull boxer  (bull terrier  +  boxer), its creator, Pedro Ribeiro Dantas, renamed the breed to make it clear that it is a descendant of  molosso (Dogue) and his nationality is  Brazilian.

Country of Origin: Brazil.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Solid looking dog, massive and not tucked up, yet not looking stocky or disproportionately heavy. It must give the impression of agility and strength, with very strong, long and marked muscles, giving the impression of great power and impulsion. Strong bones.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Active, attentive and observant dog, with a serious expression towards strangers and gentle towards the owner. Balanced, able to discipline, but fearless when provoked or under command. You should not show gratuitous aggression, especially in front of other dogs.


HEAD :  Of medium length. Relatively deep in the cranial region. Zygomatic arch from wide to medium. The width of the zygomatic arch must stand out in relation to that of the muzzle, but this proportion must not be exaggerated. Topline of skull, seen from the front or in profile, slightly convex. The median furrow should be visible and the forehead fur slightly furrowed, giving the dog a serious expression when attentive. The distance from the occiput to the stop in relation to the occiput to the tip of the muzzle should be 50%. Relatively well-pronounced masseters.


skull :  Relatively wide.

Stop : Light, seen from the side or from the front.



Snout:  Of medium length, straight, well defined and very strong jaw, with powerful bite power.

Truffle:  Black or may accompany the dilution of the coat color (gray dog, blue brindle, isabela or liver) - flesh-red red truffles are not allowed; Well developed, with open nostrils.

Jaws and Teeth:   Strong, well-aligned, with scissor or pincer front closure.

Eyes: Almond, honey to dark brown. Separated. Moderately small. Closed eyelids should not show the conjunctiva.

Ears :  Set on slightly above the eye line. Operated, optionally, semi-short, on isosceles triangles. If intact, they should be semi-dropped with a fronto-lateral drop.

NECK : Of medium length. Strong, slightly arched, thickening from skull to shoulders. Raised, relatively tall. Devoid of dewlap.


Topline: High at the withers and descending to the croup.


Withers:  High, very muscular withers.

Back: Relatively short.

chest :  Deep, but not excessive (approximately 50% of the height at the withers).

TAIL:  thick. Of medium insertion, it must be carried above the line of the back, when the dog moves; with a very slightly concave posture, in this same condition, if viewed from the front. Optionally operated, the length, in this case, remaining approximately twenty percent longer than the dog's head. If intact, eighty percent longer.



PREVIOUS :  Straight, with straight and rounded bones.  


Shoulders: Strong and muscular.


Arms: Strong and muscular.


Carpi: Strong, with strong, arched toes.

HINDQUARTERS : Very muscular, strong, with good angulation.

Thighs: Very muscular.


Hocks: Short and correctly pointed forward.

FEET: Cat.

  • MOVEMENT:  Must be fluent, with strength and agility. Paws should move parallel with good flexion, including at the knees.

  • COAT

Hair : Short (up to 2.5 cm at the withers) or medium; dense; bright and rough. The medium-haired variety is accepted without restrictions, however the length of the hair at the withers must not exceed 4.7 cm.

  • COLOR:  Any color, variation or color combination is accepted without any restrictions.

SIZE:  Males: from 54 to 60 cm (preferably 58 cm). Females: from 50 to 58 cm (preferably 56 cm).


WEIGHT : Males: from 29 to 43 kg (preferably 39 kg). Females: from 23 to 39 kg (preferably 33 kg).

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  

• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that could interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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