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Norwegian Elkhound

HISTORICAL SUMMARY:  Being originally from Norway, the  Norwegian Elkhound Gray  It is an ancient dog, coming from the dog of the wetlands (peatlands), the first that lived with the men in the villages of Prehistoric Europe. Skeletons very similar to those of the current race were found in several Viking ships wrecked in the southwest of Norway. Due to this breed's resistance and good sense of smell, they were used to hunt elk and bear in the Norwegian mountains, being able to follow an animal's trail for an entire day.


Country of Origin: Norway


GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  It's a typical Spitz. Compact and short body, square construction. Elastic neck and well raised. Ears erect. Coat dense and abundant, but not bristly or long. The tail is tightly curled over the back.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  Square construction. Equal length of skull and muzzle.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT :  Fearless, energetic and brave.



skull :  Slightly arched.

Stop :  Marked, but not very pronounced.


Truffle :  black.

Muzzle: Seen from above or in profile, gradually thins. straight nose bridge

lips :  tightly closed

Jaws and Teeth :  Scissor bite. Complete dentition.

eyes :  Not prominent, dark brown in color.

Ears :  Set high, firm and straight, relatively small. Its height is slightly greater than its width at the base, pointed and very mobile.

NECK :  Of medium length, firm, well raised, abundant mane, without loose fur.


Topline: Straight from withers to root of tail

Withers: Well developed.

Back:  Strong, muscular and straight

chest :  Wide and deep, good arch of the ribs.

Bottom Line :  Almost straight.

TAIL:  Set high, strong. Relatively short. Coat dense, but not in a flag. Firmly curled over midline, not carried over one side of the back. The end cannot be stretched out in an adult dog.



PREVIOUS :  Strong and firm, straight.

Shoulders :  inclined

Forearms: Straight, viewed from the front and in profile .


Elbows :  Well placed, turning neither in nor out.

Arms:  moderately inclined

Carpals: The carpals are slightly closer together than the shoulders.

Metacarpals :
  Straight, seen from the front; moderately sloping, seen in profile


Paws :  More for small, compact; Fingers facing forward.

HINDQUARTERS :  Strong, toned and muscular. Parallels when viewed from behind. Moderately angled.

Thighs: Muscular and broad

Knees : Moderately angled..


Paws :  Relatively small. Oval in shape, compact, toes pointing forward.

DRIVE :  Light and effortless. Parallel when viewed from the front and back


SKIN:  Firm, no wrinkles on the head

  • COAT

By :  Of medium length, dense, rough, covering hairs, abundant without waves. On the head and front of the legs they are short and smooth; longer in the neck; thick behind the legs and on the tail. soft undercoat

  • COLOR:

  1. Grey, in various shades. The color is made through the black tips of the covering hairs. Lighter on chest, belly, legs, underside of tail, below tail set and on harness markings. These marks are approximately 5 cm from the withers to the elbow, where the covering hair does not have black tips. On the ears and on the front of the muzzle, they are black (black mask). The dark line that goes from the eyes to the insertion of the ears delimits the mask. Light gray undercoat.


SIZE : Males 52 cm 
            females 49 cm

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  especially:  


• Round or domed skull.

• Pointed or short muzzle.

• Pincer or irregular bite.

• Clear eyes.

• Ears that are too big or too wide.

• Tail too short, not tightly curled, tail carried sideways.

• Flat feet.

• Undercoat too long or too short.

• Brown or yellow color. Dark undercoat. Sooty color.

• White at the end of the tail. White on the chest.

• Weak or nervous temperament.




• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Overshot or undershot.

• Yellow or blue eyes.

• Ears not erect.

• Naturally short tail.

• Ergos in the hindquarters.

• Any color variety other than gray.

• Height at the withers below 3 cm or above 4 cm, ideal size.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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