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Experts, although not unanimously, believe that the Greyhound could have had its origins in the Middle East. Greyhound-type dog designs have been found on tomb walls in Ancient Egypt, dating back as far as 4000 BC. Prototype of the so-called "sighthounds", or "gazehounds", the Greyhound is well known to many people. The behavior of the “hound”, which hunted the live hare, is the origin of the Greyhound's development as a racing dog, with only the cheetah surpassing the Greyhound in speed. A racing Greyhound was clocked at over 45 mph.

Country of origin:  Great Britain  

GENERAL APPEARANCE:  of strong build, upright, of generous proportions, muscular strength and symmetrical formation, with long head and neck, well defined and oblique shoulders, deep chest, spacious torso, slightly arched loin, powerful hindquarters, perfect legs and feet, with a flexibility of the members that enhances their distinctive type and qualities.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  It possesses remarkable vigor and endurance. Intelligent, kind, affectionate and even-tempered.

HEAD:  long, moderate width.


skull :  Plan.

Stop :  Light.


Muzzle: With powerful and well chiseled jaws.

Jaws and Teeth:  Strong jaws, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth and are set squarely to the jaws.


eyes :  Bright, smart, oval and set at an angle. Preferably dark.

Ears :  Small, rose-shaped, fine textured.

NECK :  Long and muscular, elegantly arched, well set in the shoulders.


Back:  Quite long, wide and square.

Loin:  Powerful, slightly arched.


chest :  Deep and capable, providing adequate space for the heart. Deep ribs, well sprung and carried well back.

TAIL:  Long, set low, strong at the root, tapering to a point, carried low, slightly curved.



FOREQUARTERS : Elbows, pasterns and feet turned neither in nor out.

Shoulders :  Oblique, well set back, muscular without being carried, narrow and clearly defined at the withers.

Metacarpals :
  Moderate length, slightly arched.

HINDQUARTERS :  Trunk and hindquarters characterized by ample proportions and well coupled, in order to cover the ground well when the dog is standing.

Knees :  Well angled.


Metatarsals :  Hocks well let down, turning neither in nor out.


Paws :  Moderate length, with compact, well-arched toes with strong pads.

  • DRIVE :  Straight, low reach, free stride allowing ground cover at high speed. The hind legs are well placed below the body, allowing for great propulsion.

  • COAT

By :  thin and closed

  • COLOR:

  1. Black, white, red, blue, fawn, light brown, brindle or any of these colors with white parts.

SIZE : Males 71  cm to 76 cm 
            Females 68 cm to 71 cm

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  especially:  




• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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