Miniature Pinscher

GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Miniature Pinscher is the reduced image of the German Pinscher, without the defects of dwarfism appearance. Its elegant square build is clearly visible through its short, smooth fur.
Personality: Active, alert and agile.
Energy Level : Very Active. This dog is active and energetic, and needs daily exercise.
Good with children: Yes.
Good with other dogs: With supervision.
Grooming: Seasonal.
Life Expectancy : 13-16 years old.
Bark level: High.
The Miniature Pinscher already existed in large numbers at the turn of the century and the 1925 breeding book recorded no less than 1300 entries. As in the German Pinscher, of the numerous varieties of colors existing at the time, only the black colors with lighter markings and the red, from solid to brown, were selected for creation.
Country of Origin: Germany.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Alive, energetic, safe and balanced. These qualities make him a pleasant family and companion dog.
Skull: Strong, elongated with slightly marked occiput. The forehead is flat, without wrinkles, parallel to the nasal bridge.
Stop : Light but sharply defined.
Nose: Well developed and black.
Muzzle: Ending in wedge. The nasal bridge is straight.
Lips: Black, thin and close to the jaws. Closed labial commissure.
Jaws and Teeth: Strong jaws. The complete scissor bite (42 teeth according to the dental formula) is strong and well closed. The muscles of mastication are strongly developed, without protruding cheeks that interfere with the contour.
Eyes: Dark, oval, with tight, black lids.
Ears: Erect; Set on high, bent forward in a V-shape, with the inner edges close to the cheeks. The folds should not be above the skull line.
NECK: Of noble carriage, not too short. It should blend harmoniously at the withers without being marked. Dry, without dewlap or jowls. The skin of the throat is dry, without wrinkles.
Topline: Slightly sloping from withers to croup.
Withers: Forming the highest point of the topline.
Back: Strong, short and firm.
Loin: Strong. The distance from the last rib to the hip is short, making the dog appear compact.
Croup: Slightly rounded, merging imperceptibly at the tail set.
Chest: Moderately broad, oval in diameter, reaching to the elbows. The forechest is clearly marked by the tip of the sternum.
Underline and belly: Flanks not too tucked up, forming a nice curve with the lower part of the chest.
TAIL: Natural; it is sought to be carried in the form of a saber or sickle.
FOREQUARTERS: Seen from the front, they are strong, straight and not too close together. Viewed in profile, the forelimbs are straight.
Shoulders: The scapula is placed close to the rib cage and is well muscled on either side of the shoulder bone, protruding above the point of the vertebra. As inclined as possible and well placed back, forming an angle of approximately 50° with the horizontal.
Arms: Close to the body, strong and well muscled, forming an angle of 95° to 105° with the scapula.
Elbows: Correctly fitted, not turned in or out.
Forearm: Strongly developed and well muscled. Completely straight, seen from the front and in profile.
Carpal joint: Strong and firm.
Pasterns: Strong and elastic. Viewed from the front, vertical; seen in profile, slightly inclined towards the ground.
Feet: Short and round; firm and arched toes (cat's paw), resistant pads, short, black and strong nails.
HINDQUARTERS: Placed obliquely when viewed in profile; viewed from behind, placed parallel but not too close together.
Thigh: Moderately long, broad and heavily muscled.
Knees: Turning neither in nor out.
Legs: Long and strong, sturdy, meeting a strong hock.
Hocks: Very well bent, strong, firm, turning neither in nor out.
Metatarsals: Vertical with the ground.
Feet: Slightly longer than the forelegs. Very firm and arched fingers. Short, black nails.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Miniature Pinscher is a trotter. The back remains firm and relatively stable in motion. Movement is smooth, safe, powerful and uninhibited, with good range. Typical of the trot is a well-covered, relaxed, flowing movement with strong drive and free forward extension.
SKIN: Tight over the entire body.
Hair: Short and dense, smooth, flat and shiny, without hairy areas.
COLOR: Unicolor: Fawn red, from reddish brown to dark reddish brown. Black and tan: Lacquer black fur with red or brown spots. The objective is to obtain the darkest possible spots, saturated and well defined. The spots are distributed as follows: above the eyes, below the neck, on the pasterns, on the feet, on the inside of the hindquarters and below the tail. Two triangles of equal size clearly separated on the chest.
SIZE: Height at the withers: Males and females: 25 to 30 cm.
WEIGHT: Males and females: 4 to 6 kg.
Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.
• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Atypical dogs.