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Podengo Creole


Coming from the fusion between native indigenous dogs and Portuguese and African Podengos, it occurs throughout Brazil, being traditionally used for hunting, herding and guarding. It receives other regional denominations such as: Orelhudo, Coelheiro, Pé Duro, Aracambé and Podengo Brasileiro. The miniature variety is also called Paqueiro or Minas Terrier.

Country of Origin: Brazil.



GENERAL APPEARANCE:  Square profile dog, medium build and well developed musculature, with strong bone without being heavy. Calm and serious temperament but endowed with great energy and animation when in activity, being able to perform multiple functions with great dexterity and intelligence. Very rustic and resistant to diseases and parasites.


HEAD:  Strong and fleshy, triangular when viewed from above, with a wider base and tapered muzzle.



Truffle:  Dark, black or liver, of good size and with a prominent tip. wide nostrils.

Snout:  Inferior in length to the skull, narrower than the zygomatic arch and tapering towards the tip. Straight top line.

Lips:  Firm and adhered, without excess, top and bottom edges well adjusted.

Jaw and teeth:  Strong, with pronounced jaw muscles, but not excessively prominent. Scissor bite with large, solid teeth.


Stop:  Smooth, formed by the curvature of the protruding superciliary arches.

Skull: Straight in profile, in the shape of a quadrangular pyramid. Protruding brow ridges and visible frontal sulcus. Flat interatrial cranial space, with slightly protruding occiput.


Eyes: Almond-shaped, with a lively and alert expression, slightly protruding and with tight-fitting eyelids. Brown pupils, giving preference to darker tones. Eyelids heavily pigmented, being characteristic constantly observed the  presence of a dark line starting from the corner of the eyes towards the jaw (Eye of Horus).


Ears:  Large and erect, with oblique insertion and bearing, endowed with great mobility and directed forward when attentive. Broad at the base and longer than its width, with an ogival shape and slightly rounded tips.

NECK:  Dry, without dewlap, long and well muscled, flexible and proportionate, with a harmonious curve from the trunk to the head.


Straight or slightly arched topline formed by well-developed musculature. Gently ascending bottom line.

Forechest:  Slightly salient, with solid musculature, but not very apparent; not too wide.


Chest:  With good depth, coming close to or at the level of the elbows, with medium width and good length, with ample space for the lungs.

Ribs: Long and slightly sprung, giving good depth to the chest.


Back:  Straight or slightly plunging, long and with strong shoulder blades.


Loin: Short and straight or slightly arched by the curve of the musculature, which is always well developed, with a consequent good width.

Belly and Flanks: Narrower than the thoracic region without being tucked up.


Croup:  Medium angulation, well muscled and of good length and breadth.

TAIL :  Set on median, reaching the croup when at rest, thicker at the base and ending in a point, carried higher than the body when in activity, with more or less pronounced curvature, but never curled or curled.

PREVIOUS MEMBERS:  Correct posture and good musculature. Strong bones but not bulky.


Shoulders:  Of good length and inclination, with a medium angulation and strong and rigid musculature, but not very prominent.


Forearm:  Long, strong and straight.


Carpus:  Skinny but solid without being bulky.


Metacarpal:  Short and solid, slightly oblique.

Feet: Oval, with well-jointed and arched toes, strong and solid, with well-pigmented pads and thick and resistant skin, strong and arched nails, preferably dark.

HIND LIMBS:  Parallel and well erect when viewed from behind, endowed with well-defined, strong and dry musculature.


Thighs:  Good width and length, with harmonious curvature to the knees and strongly developed musculature without being heavy or excessively protruding.

Legs: Medium angulation and good length with dry and well-developed musculature. Strong and stiff tendons.

Metatarsal:  Short and solid, with the presence of ergos, or fifth finger, characteristic of some strains.

Feet: Oval, with well-arched and joined toes, strong nails and preferably pigmented. Dark pads with thick and resistant skin.

DRIVE :  Unimpeded and vigorous movement, with good reach, with the paws tending to the center of gravity of the displacement without interfering with each other's movement.


Skin:  Tense, without wrinkles or dewlap. Mucosa preferably well pigmented.

Fur:  presents itself  in three varieties

1.  Short:  should not be excessively short (mouse hair) and should form short fringes  but definable at the back of the thighs  and on the midline of the neck, with a brush tail .

two.  Hard:  Hair of medium length, including the muzzle, straight and rough to the touch, with no undercoat.

3.  Long:  Medium length hair except on the muzzle, silky and wavy, with undercoat present.

COLOR:  Fawn, light to dark, brindle, black, black and fire, grey, white, tricolor, piebald in all colors described.


HEIGHT:  From 40 to 57 cm.


WEIGHT:   13 to 25 kg.


  The miniature variety of Podengo Crioulo follows the same characteristics of the pattern described above, except for the following specifications:

TEMPERAMENT: More active and excitable than the Standard, showing, however, the same characteristic of reserve towards strangers, in addition to great training and ability to work.


HEAD:  Skull slightly more domed than in the Podengo Crioulo Standard, with more rounded eyes and arches   superciliary   more prominent, but not exaggerated. Due to these characteristics, the nasal bevel (stop) is a little more pronounced than in the Standard.

HEIGHT:  From 25 to 37 cm


WEIGHT:  From 4 to 8 kg

  •   FAULTS

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  


• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.

  Neck:  Excessively massive or stocky.

• Trunk:  Topline excessively arched or loin sealed.

• Belly:  Excessively tucked up or lower than the chest (bellied).

  Croup:  Excessively sloping, straight or narrow.

  Tail: Curled or curled



  General appearance:  Clear signs of crossbreeding with other races

  Nose and/or Eyelids:  depigmented

  Jaws and teeth: Prognathism or enogmatism. Missing teeth or poor implantation of these.

  Eyes:  Blue or different colors from each other.

  Ears:  not erect.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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