Brazilian Tracker

Developed and bred in the middle of the 20th century by Oswaldo Aranha Filho from Rio Grande do Sul, at the time based in the State of Rio de Janeiro, who started the formation of the breed with the aim of developing animals with hunting characteristics, athletic size, being resistant to weather and terrain. , the Rastreador Brasileiro, as the breed was recognized by the FCI, in 1967, was developed to hunt jaguars and wild pigs. In 1973, the breed suffered a severe blow that ended almost with its extinction. Before the breed was considered extinct, several male and female dogs were donated to hunters in some regions of the country, the remaining animals mated in a disorderly way and without records, these facts, although isolated, contributed to the RB race to remain alive, despite being officially declared dead (extinct). Largely created in rural areas, the RB has become an important helper for man to acquire animal protein in the most remote places of Brazil, where subsistence hunting is still a reality, although trackers have also been found on medium and medium-sized properties. large size, it is known that the current RB in general are products of heirlooms left from father to children and grandchildren.
The breed was rescued in mid-2008 by breeders led by Cinófilo Sergio Barral who organized and founded SONARB - Sociedade Nacional do Rastreador Brasileiro, which later became a society of Brazilian breeds where many breeds of our country were highlighted and obtained their recognition and effective records. The Brazilian Tracker rescue project was followed by Jorge Pereira, current President of ALKC, and Diego Paredes, current VP of Working Dogs, the matings and existing specimens were mapped and recorded and today the breed is no longer extinct and recognized by the ALKC internationally and widely used in various aspects of cynophilia.
Country of Origin: Brazil.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Strong and rustic. Cheerful, vivacious and non-aggressive. It has an excellent sense of smell and above-average venatory capacity. It is very resistant and persistent, it runs for hours on bad terrain and in very hot weather. Docile and loyal. Great hunter.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: IT'S calm and balanced; attached to its owner and reserved with strangers, self-confident, fearless and docile, without being shy or aggressive.
skull : Mesatocephalic, triangular, somewhat elongated.
Stop : Slightly accentuated.
Snout: Long, well structured.
Truffle: Dark, harmonious with the coat, without jaspering, with nose nose slightly turned down.
Jaws and Teeth: Scissor bite, with complete dentition (42 teeth).
Eyes: Dark, almond-shaped and very alive.
Ears : Long, low set, falling beyond the base of the neck, soft and with rounded tips, the length when pulled without effort should go beyond the center of the muzzle, ideally the ears that reach the side of the nose and undesirable those that go beyond the truffle tip.
Contours: Eye, nose and lip should be dark in color.
NECK : Strong and with a slight dewlap.
Top Line: Well defined.
Back: Long, muscular, straight and strong.
Withers: High and strong.
Loin: Long and strong.
Chest : Thorax wide and deep to accommodate heart and lungs of good size.
Forechest : The forechest does not extend far beyond the point of the shoulder. The rear is wide, strong and firm.
TAIL: Saber-shaped, without deviating to the sides. Brought low when at rest and in flag when alert or in motion.
Shoulders: Extremely strong, parallel-boned shoulders.
Paws: Wide and powerful feet, with resistant and elastic soles, dark or light nails.
Arms: Long.
HINDQUARTERS : Muscular and well angulated,
Legs: Well developed.
Hocks: Firm, with symmetrical and moderate angulations
Paws : Wide and powerful feet, with resistant and elastic soles, dark or light nails.
DRIVE : should be fluent, with good ground cover, with wide and balanced strides. When trotting, the tail can be raised above the line of the back.
Hair : Shallow, layered, short, dense and a little hard to the touch.
COLOR: Azulino, white background all stained with blue, the fore and hind limbs may be stained with brown (similar to Bluetick and Bleu de Gascogne); white background with large spots of one or two colors, black or brown (similar to American Foxhound and Walkerhound); head, back, loin and tail black, chest, belly and outside of the limbs brown (similar to the Black and Tan Coonhound).
SIZE : Males - Maximum height: 65cm / minimum height: 60cm
females - Max height: 63cm / Min height: 56cm
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.
• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Short or butterfly-shaped ears
• Curled tail
• Very light bones
• Lack of liveliness
• Pronounced stop
• Prognathism and Enognathism
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.