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Welsh Corgi Pembroke


IT'S  one  dog breed  native of  Wales, as well as being the Queen's official breed  Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom,  which has seven copies and a quarter of its palace dedicated mainly to its "companions".  Bred for work since the year 920, they were initially used to herd cattle, hunt mice and guard farms. It is speculated if its history is not linked to that of the Swedish vallhund, possibly taken to the  Great Britain  by the  vikings. Later in history, they came to be seen as companion dogs, although they are still used for work.


Country of Origin: Great Britain


GENERAL APPEARANCE L : Small, strong, robustly built, alert and active, giving the impression of having substance and strength in a small volume.

PRO IMPORTANT PORTIONS :  The length of the muzzle should maintain a proportion to the skull of 3 to 5.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT : Courageous, skillful. Sociable and friendly, never nervous or aggressive.

HEAD : In the shape and appearance of a fox, with an alert and intelligent expression.


Skull : Fairly broad and flat between the ears.


Stop : Moderate.


Truffle :  black

Muzzle :  Moderately thins towards the nose.

Jaws and Teeth :  Strong teeth with a scissor bite. Lower jaw well defined, strong but not prominent.

eyes :  well set, round, of medium size, brown in color, in harmony with the color of the coat.

Ears :  erect, of medium size, slightly rounded. A line from the nose of the nose passing through the eyes should, if extended, pass through or very close to the tip of the ear.

NECK :  Muscular, well developed in proportion to the dog's frame, merging into well sloping shoulders.


Top Lines : Level

Loin :  Clearly defined waist.

chest :  broad and deep, well let down between the forelimbs. Ribs well sprung.

TAIL:  short, preferably natural.



PREVIOUS :  Strong bone. Short legs, but the body clearly separated from the ground.

Shoulders :  Well placed, angled approximately 90° to muscular arms

Elbows :  Close to the sides of the body

Forearms :  Slightly arched to mold to the chest.

Paws :  oval, toes strong, well arched and close together. The two central fingers are slightly larger than the other two lateral ones. Cushions (cushions) strong and well arched. Short nails.

HINDQUARTERS :  Strong, well angled and in line with muscular thighs and legs; with strong bone throughout its entire length, up to the feet. Short legs.

Metatarsals :  Vertical, when standing (in “stay”), seen in profile and from behind.

Paws :  Round, closed, quite large and well padded.

DRIVE :  free and active, the elbows neither loose nor glued. The forelimbs reach well ahead, without raising too much from the ground and in harmony with the propulsion of the hindlimbs.

  • COAT


Hair : Of medium length, straight, with dense undercoat; never soft, wavy or hard.

  • COLOR:

  1. they are uniform in red, sable (sable), fawn, black and tan, with or without white spots on the limbs, chest and neck. A little white on the head and on the muzzle is allowed.


SIZE : 25cm to 30cm

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.


• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.  



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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